
A large indoor space filled with people sitting at desks and tables in front of computers

Libraries, 研究 Spots, and Academics During a Semester 研究ing Abroad in 悉尼, 澳大利亚      

宝博体育 是很有趣,但在一天结束的时候我们是来学习的. It is important to prioritize schoolwork in order to also enjoy the beauty of your host country. Finding the balance between your studies and exploring your host country is essential while studying abroad. 然而, it is possible to still explore the culture of your host country even while studying or doing homework. 


The 东航卡帕 classroom where I have my 澳大利亚的历史 and Advertising courses. 

I am currently studying 沟通 at the University of Delaware and am continuing that academic experience abroad in 澳大利亚. 我正在上的一门课叫做跨文化交际, 在那里我们了解到各种各样的 文化 以及它如何塑造我们的经历. 作为本课程的一部分, one week we took a trip to 悉尼的唐人街 which is just a five-minute walk from our classroom building in the city. We learned about Chinese culture and the celebrations around Lunar New Year which is huge in China and in 悉尼的唐人街. There are fireworks on the weekends and Asian restaurants are flooded with people experiencing all the tasty food Chinese culture has to offer. My friends and I saw the dragon parade since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. 有好几百人, 包括游客和当地人, all viewing the parade; it was a neat experience that so many people of different 文化 came together to watch this sacred event in Chinese culture. 

An archway standing over a street with many people walking around underneath


我还选修了澳大利亚电影, 澳大利亚的历史, and 澳大利亚n Sports to engage myself in my host culture and learn more about where I am living. I have already gained a lot of insight into these topics in 澳大利亚n culture which has been interesting to me since I have never learned about these subjects before in my academic career.  

在我的澳大利亚历史课上, we had a field class at the Hyde Park Barracks which was the first place where convicts lived in 澳大利亚. We got inside of the building and saw the hammocks where the convicts slept. We also learned about Aboriginal history and the complicated and traumatic relation船 Aboriginals and 澳大利亚ns have, 很像美国的印第安人. 然而, in 澳大利亚 much more work has been done to heal the relation船 between the Aboriginal people such as parks and memorials that have been erected, 以及政府的公开道歉. 在这方面还有很多工作要做, but I think 澳大利亚 is on the right track to healing the relation船 with the Aboriginals.  

在我的电影课, 我们要去看我们教授的一部电影, 他在狂欢节期间帮忙制作的. In my sports class, we have upcoming field classes to watch an AFL match. 

到目前为止,我在国外的时候也探索了悉尼的图书馆. I love libraries as they are peaceful to me and motivate me to be more productive. I visited the University of 悉尼’s library, the Darling Square Library, and the UTS Library. 到目前为止,我最喜欢的是悉尼科技大学图书馆, 那里离我在悉尼的住处只有五分钟的步行路程. 这也是我的东航卡帕项目合作的大学.  



A large indoor space filled with people sitting at desks and tables in front of computers


I visited this library just a few days ago on a rainy day to get some work done for my cinema class. 大厅很大. 有一个巨大的, long screen showing women surfing to the left and you could see all the different levels right from the lobby. There was a large food court area on the lower level which had all different kinds of food; from Greek to Asian to Italian, 科技大学图书馆拥有一切. 我冒险走上楼梯,探索每一层楼. There are a total of nine floors in this library, with each level getting quieter as you go up.  

A study abroad student in a blue shirt taking a selfie in an indoor space


The design of the building was unlike any library I had ever seen before. There were little coves where you could take a nap with pillows and blankets. 有一个螺旋楼梯,当你走上去的时候,楼梯会弯曲. There was a rooftop garden where you could also do work and overlook the city. 地板中央有书架, 桌子和椅子紧贴着这一层边缘的墙壁. 然而,这些墙并不是普通的旧墙. 它们是窗户,很长, 从上到下覆盖整面墙的透明窗户, 俯瞰悉尼.  

A photo from high above of a green lawn filled with trees and sidewalks

Photo from the UTS Library rooftop garden overlooking the campus and city. 

A curving spiral staircase going up several levels, as seen from below


I chose a spot overlooking Pitt Street which runs alongside the building. It was beautiful and peaceful with the rain pattering on the windowpane as I did my work. 我一定会再来这个图书馆的. 设计独特, 未来主义的, 更先进的是,窗户组成了建筑的墙壁, 屋顶花园, 还有打盹的海湾. I think the library is a perfect representation of the technological advancements and sustainable designs of 澳大利亚n architecture, 因为悉尼科技大学专注于科技. 

A laptop sitting on a desk in front of a tall window facing a large building




如果我想找个不太正式的地方学习, 我去我公寓大楼的院子里. There is a nice green space and lovely lounge chairs that are so comfortable. There’s always a nice breeze that passes through the buildings that makes it a very peaceful place to do some schoolwork. It’s nice that I have another option to do my work instead of the library, 以防我想换个环境学习. 我也喜欢户外活动, 尤其是现在是澳大利亚的夏季, 所以当我有时间的时候在外面工作是很愉快的. 


A selfie of me in the courtyard at my apartment complex where I like to study. 

到目前为止,我很喜欢我在国外的学术经历. I am experiencing new places and learning more about 澳大利亚n culture and society. I cannot wait to head back to the UTS library and continue to explore new libraries and places to study throughout the city of 悉尼.  





杰克Kalinowski 内容创作者-摄影师在悉尼吗, 澳大利亚, 目前在特拉华大学学习.